Internet Marketing Training Boot Camp

Are You Ready To Make Money Online at Home?

Making Money Online At Home - You Can Do This Too!

So many people always question whether making money online at home can be done.  But then, when you hear person after person failing online, you begin to wonder... can it?  Is making money on the internet a MYTH?

Well, the answer is a resounding NO!  You didn't think I was going to say YES, did you?

After all, if it were a myth, would I be able to show you this image below?

You can make money when you learn from CopyPasteCash too!  Join today and start learning and earning!

The Cold Honest Truth is, you CAN Make Money online at home, at work, wherever you choose to.  There's no limit on where you can make extra cash online.  The truth is that you can do it.

Proof That I've Made Money Online By Training Properly, And That You Can Do It Too!

Learn How To Make Money Online Now!  Join Today!  Let’s Get Started!Okay, so everyone always wants to see someone's proof that money can indeed be made online rather than being more focused on how they themselves can make money online.  Funny enough, I've seen more people focused on others and what they're earning than taking action and implementing their own work to make money so that THEY can be the ones posting up their own proof for others.

However, for those of you that want to see that I've made money online, I put up some images of some recent Paypal payments I've received online as you can see shown below.  

So how have I earned these payments?  By training and learning how to make money online, and implementing what I've learned, I have indeed made money online and am still doing so as you can see with the most recent images below.

These are some of the Paypal payments that I've made this year so far from my other business ventures as a result of training and learning how to make money online.  After all, why put all of your eggs in one basket to make money when there's money to be made everywhere out there online?  

As I make more, I'll post some additional ones to show you that I am still making money online so you can see that it's not a joke, that it's not a scam, and that with proper training such as what Copy Paste Cash can teach you and guide you through, that you can be making money online as well!

Starting with the most recent date below, these are some of the payments I've received so far, and it's all thanks to internet marketing training and putting forth the effort!  And YOU can be doing the same as well!

(UPDATED 3/18/13)

March 18th, 2013

March 15th, 2013

March 12th, 2013

March 11th, 2013

March 10th, 2013

March 9th, 2013

March 6th, 2013

March 5th, 2013

March 4th, 2013

(still earning money online weekly with some of the tactics I learned)

March 1st, 2013

(as you can see, I'm making money consistently every week)

--------------------------- FEBRUARY 2013 ---------------------------

February 28th, 2013

February 25th, 2013

(this is another sale directly from Copy Paste Cash as you can see from the transaction ID's)

February 24th, 2013

(This was a commission that came in from CopyPasteCash by implementing what I've learned)

Commission Earned from Copy Paste Cash - Earn While You Learn

February 23rd, 2013

February 22nd, 2013

February 19th, 2013

February 18th, 2013

February 17th, 2013

February 16th, 2013

February 11th, 2013

February 10th, 2013

February 9th, 2013

February 6th, 2013

February 5th, 2013

February 4th, 2013

February 2nd, 2013

February 1st, 2013

--------------------------- JANUARY 2013 ---------------------------

January 30th, 2013

January 27th, 2013

January 26th, 2013

January 24th, 2013

January 22nd, 2013

January 21st, 2013

January 17th, 2013

January 16th, 2013

January 15th, 2013

January 14th, 2013

January 10th, 2013

January 10th 2013 (different customer)

January 7th, 2013

January 2nd, 2013

These payments are all payments I earned from making money online!  And You Can Do It Too!  Join today via

These are sales that I've made on different things so far just by learning and training in internet marketing, implementing what I've learned, and Taking Action to put forth what I need to make money online!

Here's another image below of one of the several affiliate companies that I promote and market... as you can see, I've also made money online promoting it as well:

Checked in February

Checked in January

As you can see, money CAN be made online.  There's no question to that at all.  

And You CAN Be Making Money Online at Home too, I don't doubt that for one moment!



Get Started Now!  Make Money Online Today!

So How Easy Is It To Make Money Online At Home Anyway?

Now to the next question:  Is it EASY?  THAT'S the question that should be asked more versus whether money can be made online!

You Need Discipline to Make Money OnlineIn all honesty, it's not difficult, but, it's not something you can just start doing today and in 5 minutes, make a fortune!  You may be able to earn a few bucks within the same day but making money on a more consistent basis will of course take a bit of time and training to do so.

Let me rephrase that:  The more Eager and willing you are to Invest in yourself, to learn what to do to make money online, and to put in the effort and take action and initiative, the easier it can be!

And that's where a lot of people fail but blame the Programs, the Training, the Internet.  You can't blame any of those things if you don't put in any or little effort to make money online, but that is what is great about this program as well.  Through the tasks that you'll be doing online, you'll learn the DISCIPLINE that you need to start making things happen!  After all, with any business whether online or out on the street, you need Discipline and Patience in order to do it, and that's why a lot of people fail.  They expect that as soon as they start internet marketing, they'll make $100 bucks that same minute!  WRONG!!

I REPEAT, People expect that as soon as they start internet marketing, they'll make $100 bucks that same minute.

This is a big reason why people fail at making money online at home, or anywhere for that matter.  They expect an empire to be built overnight.  But going into internet marketing with that mentality is a big No No!  And you will be destined to fail each and every time.

However, if you learn discipline, and learn the tools that you need to make it online, you can make money online as I've already demonstrated to you.

The Internet Marketing Boot Camp That Will Make You Succeed Online

Click above for more information about the CopyPasteCash program.

Copy Paste Cash has been around for only a short time, and in that short time it has been helping more and more people obtain their dreams of making money online at home.  Why?  Because they are a training program, which is something you should be willing to invest early on in order to learn how to make money online!

Think about this:  If you wanted to be a doctor, and you graduated high school, could you just jump right into the profession performing open heart surgery?  No, not in the least... at least, I wouldn't want you operating on me at all!

And the same holds true with internet marketing!  In order to make money online, you have to LEARN how to.

And Copy Paste Cash will guide you through that process with their well designed "Points System".  This system (as you see below) will help keep your mind focused on getting through a stage at a time rather than trying to learn everything at once.  

You'll get points for various things, and once you hit a certain threshold, you'll advance to the next stage to learn more.  This again works great to prevent information overload, one of the things that actually contribute to many people failing at making money online.  Too much to remember means you lose focus.  

I don't know about you but I still don't remember some of the things I learned in high school because of this "All At Once" type learning from multiple classes that I received.

Points System for CopyPasteCash

You'll learn more about posting classified ads and different ad copy that can generate you sales.  You'll learn about putting together your own website and how you can drive people to it as well.  You'll learn about social media marketing and how to build traffic using sites like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.  And you'll learn other avenues of internet marketing that will help you make money online!

So with that Points System itself, you can go through the course stage by stage and learn a bit at a time so that you can start making money online.  You can then start to put together what the course shows you with each stage, and implement what you learn on other avenues online as well!

For instance, I know a person who went through this program, got to the Top Dog status, and started making more money on their other ventures such as their Motor Club of America business and their own personal business as well.  And in that way, Copy Paste Cash is really a help!  And it's about to get even better with their next updates!

Earn Money While You Train And Learn!  Seriously!

And as if that wasn't a benefit and gain already, you have the ability to learn Affiliate Marketing with the Copy Paste Cash system as well!  Through the tasks that you'll be learning and implementing online, you have the ability to Earn Money through referrals as well just through your learning process!  And that by itself is a great bonus and considered affiliate marketing!

Take a look below for example of how you can earn with this program.  The campaign I did below generated a conversion with just a few ad clicks:

Earn While You Learn with the Copy Paste Cash Program

And here's another campaign below that got more people clicking and interested in it, to which another conversion was made:

Or what about this conversion below that came from a newly posted ad with under 100 clicks?  These are conversions that you can earn and make while learning more about the program and following the training as advised:

Copy Paste Cash Lets You Earn While You Learn!  Invest In YOU Today With This Great Training Program and Start Making Money Online Now!

Imagine being able to make money just by some of the tasks that you put out there and 'forget about' before you even officially start putting together your own website?  

Imagine being able to wake up one day, ready to learn some more, only to find that you have a $25.00 payment already in your inbox!  Or what about two?  Or three?  Could you imagine having three conversions in a day?

That'd be a good feeling wouldn't it, to have your first dollars online made through your learning process before you even ventured out on your own, wouldn't that make you keep pushing forward?  

That in itself is a motivation!  And internet marketing is all about motivation and drive, ambition, and determination to keep going forward!

You Have To WANT To Make Money Online And Taste It!

I think once you are determined that you want to be making money online at home, you'll find as I have that NOTHING will stop you from obtaining that desire... if you really want it!

It's just like with football (I love football so I have to make this analogy)... the team that wants it bad enough will be the team that wins the Super Bowl.  My Green Bay Packers unfortunately didn't want it as bad this year, so as a result, they're out of it.  They gave up on themselves right near the end when they only had a bit more to go to win the Lombardi trophy!  Had they wanted it a bit harder than they did that last game against the 49ers, they would've probably taken it all the way (I thought they would).  

Learn How To Stuff Your Wallet With Money!And I think that making money online boils down to WANTING IT bad enough and pushing forward despite some of the hardships or difficulties you come across.

If you WANT IT, you'll do what you can to obtain it.  You'll invest in yourself to learn, and take what you learn and implement it into more.  Trust me, I've invested in myself a good deal, and not just in learning tools, but in trying things, testing ads, paying for promotions, and so forth.  

But rather than to count the failed attempts or some of the money I lost, it became a lesson and I was able to tweak on those lessons to turn them into benefits and as a result, make more money online as well.

Now That You Know It CAN BE DONE, Are You Ready To Do It TOO?

Is it easy?  Only YOU can decide the answer to that question.  If you don't want it bad enough, and you keep making excuses for yourself as to why you can't do this or that, or what if this and that, then you'll stay exactly where you now.

If however, you are ready to say "I'm Going for It", and you are truly DETERMINED and READY to do it, then all you need to do is Take That Dive now!  Once you jump off the diving board, you can't turn back, but you'll dive into a pool of knowledge that will turn into wealth!  And any pool that builds your knowledge and determination is already a great win if you ask me.

So what are you waiting for?  Knowledge is only a Click Away... and Making Money Online at home is calling your name!  Are you ready to answer her call and to succeed online?



Get Started Now!  Make Money Online Today!

All It Takes To Start Making Money Online

Is a One Time Fee of $29.95 and

You Are A Lifetime Member!

Learn How To Make Money Online Today!

You Can Do It Too!

Discipline image courtesy of

The website is Copyright © 2012 - 2013 by German Lopez.