Internet Marketing Training Boot Camp

I've Reached Master of Marketing, and YOU CAN BE A MASTER OF MARKETING AS WELL!!

Lots to Learn and Lots to Earn Using Copy Paste Cash

If you are here then I'm assuming one of two things:  You are ready to learn more about Copy Paste Cash to which I'm glad you've stopped by this page and are eager to learn more, or, you were curious about what Copy Paste Cash is about, and again to which I welcome you to this page!

Real briefly, my name is German Lopez and I'm a proud member of the Copy Paste Cash training program and group as well.  I won't go into a long boring autobiography here as you can check out my About Me page if you really are curious and interested in that sort of thing.  Some may be, but I'm really just an average joe just like most everyone else!  I joined the training program a couple of months or so ago, and it has even further elevated my progress with my other online business ventures and websites!  I love the program, and I know you will too!  After all, when you start putting what you learned into use on your other ventures or even to promote this one, you'll see why it's enjoyable!

That said, let's proceed to some of the highlights of the Copy Paste Cash training program!

Easy To Understand Video Tutorials To Help You Get Started

Upon completing your payment to the Copy Paste Cash training program, you'll be able to access what is called your "Back Office".  Here is where you will first get started with some training tutorials to get you into the first part of your training.  

This will guide you step by step on setting up your Paypal account if you don't have one, how to set up your profile, and so on.  Very important stuff, and there are other training videos as well that will get you up to speed on the early part of training!

Effective and Proven Ad Copy For You To Use and Study From

So with the first parts of the program of Copy Paste Cash, you'll learn quickly that you'll be copying and pasting effective and proven ads onto various websites across the internet, such as Craigslist for example.  However, Craigslist is merely one example of many more options that you'll find out more about when you access the Back Office.  

You will access training videos regarding this part of the training program, and will then learn how you can quickly and painlessly set up your first ad campaign, the ad copy you desire to use, and the websites you want to paste your ads to.  Each ad has been tested through various sites and you'll see a rating system of how the group members overall judged the adcopy to perform.  However, that is not to say it won't work for you either.  You may very well find an ad copy that got a decent rating that works wonders repeatedly for you!

And what's more, you can study the list of different adcopy that is provided on the site, tweak it, and use those same ads with your own personal business to get things rolling for your business right away!

Tracking Statistics to Determine Which of Your Ads Work Best and Not Good At All

Another valuable part of this training program, is the effectiveness and value of tracking.  And with the program's back end tracking process, you'll be able to see how many people clicked on your ad, which site they clicked your ad from, and how many conversions those ads generate for you.  This will allow you to hone in on what ads got a great deal of clicks and conversions, and which ads on which sites were duds for you to use and drop.  

Tracking plays a very important role in internet marketing as you can learn what works, what doesn't, and drop what doesn't if proven not to work so that you can focus on other processes that DO work!  Very valuable lesson to learn via tracking!

Already Designed Landing and Sales Pages Complete With Video

As if you've not yet gained enough from the program, it goes even further!  You'll be able to choose from a variety of different landing pages that may help you convert even more with your testing and with your adcopy!  

Upon creating each ad for you to post, you have the ability to choose what site the ads are going to link to, and will then be able to direct people to that particular site.  The beauty of this is, the site you refer people to click on will be associated to your special link, and when someone buys from those links, you gain the opportunity to earn $25.00 (after the first $4.95 introductory earning) per sale for each person who links to your page and buys from it!  How's that for powerful landing page?

Point System To Help You Focus On One Lesson At A Time

Okay, if you've ever attempted learning internet marketing, one of the biggest issues that I know a lot of people face that causes them to fail, is information overload!  It never fails and so many are geared to making quick money instead of learning, that they take on a training program or ebook or video or so on, and the moment they finish one lesson, they go to the next without even trying the first, or worse, they halfway finish the first lesson and jump into the second without hesitation!

Why does this happen?  Some people are SO EAGER to try to make quick money online that they short their brains with information overload, and as a result, they quit and blame the program for not working.  I've seen this SOOO Many times I don't even have time to laugh in my mind anymore.

Luckily for you, the Copy Paste Cash training program breaks things out into a points system.  For those of you that like RPG games such as myself, consider it like experience points to get to a next level.  With this program, you'll start out as a beginner, and as you perform more and more tasks and earn points for them, you'll climb up the ladder and your status will change.  I feel this in itself is a great way on taking in information as it doesn't let you access the next level until after you've had time to put the first lessons into practice.  Don't try to get ahead of yourself just to get to the next level... or else you're not really absorbing and learning.  Go at your own pace, but make sure you learn along the way.

Much More In Store As You Progress

You'll also learn more things as you progress more and more into the program, such as social media marketing and how to effectively use it to your advantage, the value of having your own website and how you can get one set up as well that you'll get information on when you get to that level, and other lessons you'll learn as well.

With so much under the hood of this car, it's hard to see anyone completely failing with this program!  You can learn internet marketing online, learn how to make money with your own business opportunities and ventures, with your own product creation, or as an affiliate marketer as well promoting either the Copy Paste Cash training program or other affiliate products that are out there!

You get all the values of a luxury car under the hood of a cheaper costing version!!  What's not to love, or learn from, or benefit from with Copy Paste Cash?

Are you ready to learn how to earn online and to join the training group as well?  Your first major step into the world of internet marketing is one step and one lesson away, and the name of this lesson is "Taking Action".  Take action, and join today!  Are you ready to change your life?

The website is Copyright © 2012 - 2013 by German Lopez.